Have You Signed Up Yet
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A last call out ! |
Do you run a business, a farm or are you self-employed and work from home? As Largo Communities Together and in partnership with the Largo Area Community Council we are leading a Local Place Plan for the areas of Upper and Lower Largo, Lundin Links, Woodside, New Gilston, Newburn and Drumeldrie. A Local Place Plan is a way of capturing and representing the wishes and priorities of a community on their terms. Next up we have a dedicated evening for those who run businesses planned for the 14th of November at the Durham Hall. To this end we have sent out cards to business operators though we are still building on our knowledge of our neighbourhoods, so it is possible we have missed some people. If you would like to be included or have not RSVP’d to date, get in touch now. |
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Community Groups |
We are also building our knowledge of all of the community groups in the area and know that there have been changes over the past years. We have been talking one to one with those who help organise community groups or run classes in the area to build knowledge about what the needs and offers are. If this is you, please drop a message below. On the 4th of December we will hold Community Groups Open Day from 12-3pm at the Durham Hall. This will be a drop in for anyone to attend with mince pies, tea and coffee. If you organise a community group of any size or run a class in the area – get in touch and reserve a space. There will be no charge to take part and we hope it will give people an idea of the range of resources there are in the area, if you have flyers or a sign-up sheet bring them along. Set up will be from 11am on the day. If you are unable to attend in person, get in touch too and we will share the information that you provide. |