Largo Area Community Resilience Team.

0800 999 3465

LACRT Areas of Interest



To coordinate and manage the response to the coronavirus to the best of our ability, for the communities of Largo, Lundin Links, New Gilston, Newburn and Drumeldrie.


The organisation has been constituted under Fife Council’s emergency planning framework, which is designed to deal with exceptional crises. We are not the emergency services, but LACRT will support and assist these where the need arises. We will work closely with local organisations, businesses and volunteers to ensure that we have community resilience in the face of an unprecedented health threat.

LACRT was launched on Friday 20th March 2020.

A helpline has been set up to receive calls from those in our community who need help.

HELPLINE NUMBER – 0800 999 3465 - Calls to this number are free.

Support In Time Of Need Fund

Support In Time Of Need Fund – update 24th August 2020

The Support In Time of Need Fund was established by LACRT to offer short term emergency support for individuals and families as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. The fund is available to residents of Lundin Links, Lower Largo, Upper Largo, New Gilston, Woodside, Newburn and Drumeldrie.

Applications can be made by individuals or agencies (on behalf of individuals) for the purchase of food and other essential items including baby milk and nappies, white goods such as washing machines, cookers and fridges, and other essential household items, assistance with the cost of emergency repairs, and in certain circumstances assistance with travel costs to essential appointments. These items stated here are examples of what would be acceptable but other items will be considered.

Application forms (with full explanatory notes) are available at Largo Library, Lundin Links KY8 6BH or online here.

The completed application form should be returned either by email to: [email protected] with “Confidential SITNF Application” as the email subject, or posted to: Confidential SITNF Application, Largo Parish Church, Church Place, Upper Largo, KY8 6EH.

All applications will be treated confidentially.


LACRT BULLETIN – 29th April 2020

We are now in week 6 of the Coronavirus lockdown and it has been amazing to see the wonderful response of our communities in identifying local need and finding a way to meet it. In particular, those who are simply but importantly being good neighbours; those who are being good friends on the end of the phone and those who have be concerned enough about an individual to contact us. Thank you for everything you are doing.

Whilst our Deliver2U service is being used at the moment in a limited way the reason for this is the fantastic Home Delivery Service from our local businesses and we know these are being well used. The Support2Connect service has led us to pockets of need and we have been able to respond positively. The most important and encouraging feedback so far has simply been that knowing we are here and that a system is in place to help has given enormous reassurance.

We know that the lockdown will continue for a few more weeks and we also recognise that Fife Council will not be able to maintain our environment as before. We also know that you want to help to keep the place tidy and so we have linked with “Happy Beaches” to support us in a “Spring Clean” and we’re asking for your help.

A chest has been placed outside Andy’s Store in Lower Largo – it contains Hi Vis Vests, gloves, pickers, bags and sanitising gel. What we’re asking is that as you are out walking for your hour of exercise – if you would – pick up any litter you see on the street, beach or the coastal path. A map is displayed on the outside of the chest to identify where the bags should be deposited but essentially its where there are already rubbish bins e.g at the Temple Car Park and on the Coastal Path below Victoria Court.

The bags will be removed by Happy Beaches on alternate days and taken to the skip belonging to the Coast and Countryside Trust. We’d emphasise that this is an informal activity and one you could do as you are enjoying the fresh air and countryside. All the rules on social distancing must apply.

We are also supporting the replanting of our floral tubs and planters to brighten up the villages – healthy activities and a clean fresh environment brightens everybody’s days and makes us feel better so volunteers will also be needed for that.

Thanks again for all your help, for staying at home, for maintaining the social distancing rules and for supporting one another.

LACRT BULLETIN – 18th April 2020

We know that the announcement of another 3 weeks of lockdown will have caused some frustration here and elsewhere. Unfortunately, Coronavirus cases in Fife are still rising - 488 yesterday, so probably exceeding 500 over the weekend. This does not include Care Homes or cases in the community, so it will actually be worse.

This is still time for caution, but perhaps also for a little hope. There are some early signs that the rate of infections across the country might possibly be slowing. Our temporary sacrifice of freedom is helping our NHS to cope. Thank you for that, and for all that you are doing to help around the area.

At the start of this crisis, we spoke of people becoming the “eyes and ears” of their locality. We have found that this was already happening on a massive - but unseen - scale all around us. We hear daily about people helping neighbours and friends with shopping and providing meals, with phone calls of support, with chats over the fence, and with the many little things that make a difference in times like this. We have a ‘hidden army’ of helpers! You will not be forgotten.

There is another daily sign of hope for better days ahead. That is the sight and sound of our farmers and fruit growers doing what they have always done: planning for the future, ploughing, harrowing and planting crops; weeding, nurturing and picking. When this is over – and one day it will be – we will still have fantastic local food on our tables thanks to their continuing commitment and hard work. They too must not be forgotten!

LACRT BULLETIN – 15th April 2020

The lovely Easter weekend was a test of our mettle, but our communities celebrated in exactly the right way! Thanks for your consideration and your restraint. The way in which we have come together to support and protect each other has shown extraordinary goodwill and spirit.

The worst of this virus may yet be to reach us, but our enduring resilience will surely bring us through. If any good is to come from what we face, please let it be our fellow feeling, our concern for others, and our willingness to do the right thing by our friends and neighbours across the Largo area and beyond. That would be worth keeping!

LACRT BULLETIN – 8th April 2020

We have said a grateful thanks a few times for the many Largo area volunteers who have put their hands up to help us respond to the Coronavirus crisis, but perhaps we have not said it loud enough or often enough!

We have been absolutely bowled over and delighted by the many offers of help from all parts of our communities. We could have set up several support services from our army of volunteers!

.... and where people have not been able to help - people self-isolating, people with vulnerable partners - they have contacted us to say ‘sorry’! Absolutely no need. Thank you all. You have all been absolutely fantastic!

Almost 100 people have been trained and equipped to do several critical roles – call handling, co-ordination, and Deliver2U – ahead of the curve. This has put us in a really good position. We are fine-tuning our processes and proving our capabilities in advance. Other areas around us may not be as well prepared yet, and we might be asked to help if we have capacity. We are all in this together.

We understand that this might all feel like we have got dressed up for the dancing but aren’t yet on the dance floor! Please be patient, we are all likely to be Highland Flinging before long! (or maybe Waltzing if that is your thing!)

Please stay well, stay safe,


NB. In case you have missed it, there is a new Coronavirus page (links from Fife Council site):

LACRT BULLETIN - 7th April 2020

Easter is fast approaching, but there are testing times ahead for all of us. We know that we are asking people to go the extra mile, to slow the spread of Coronavirus and to help our NHS. We understand just how very hard this is when we would all like to be out rolling Easter eggs with children and grandchildren.

Sadly, this is going to be a marathon and not a sprint, unless something changes very soon.

We also know that you have the spirit, the staying power and the will to see us through. Our communities are nothing if not resilient and strong. We are united in a steely determination to face up to, and to deal with the present challenge.

We see this daily in the your many acts of neighbourliness, in your willingness to contribute and to help, in your community spirit and enthusiasm for voluntary action. We also see it in many friendly, social-distanced greetings and good wishes.

It is this collective community spirit which will see us through the Coronavirus crisis.

Thank you all. Please continue to look out for your neighbours and yourselves.

….and please stay well


LACRT BULLETIN - 5th April 2020

By today, the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Fife had reached 200. This is, of course, an underestimate as only cases tested in hospital are included in the figures. We must assume that the virus is on our local streets already.

NHS Fife has now set up a Covid-19 information page at The NHS and the World Health Organisation are two trusted sources of advice and information. Both are used by the BBC.

Sadly, this virus will not just go away. There will be a growing number of infections. Our community responsibility must be to slow it down as much as we can. Our primary goal is to minimise infection rates and keep our beloved NHS from being overwhelmed by avoidable early Coronavirus cases.

There will be no quick fix. We really need to change our behaviours to limit the spread of the virus. Please don’t shop more than once a week for essential supplies. Please keep a minimum of 3 steps apart in public. Please soap and wash your hands frequently, rinse thoroughly and then dry them well.

Unfortunately, for now these actions are our only defense against Coronavirus. Please:


Our aim is to help you. We and the NHS really need you to stay safe and to stay well.


HELPLINE NUMBER - 0800 999 3465